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The Missing Link to Lean
In the Toyota Way Fieldbook, Jeffrey Liker and David Meier state, "The Toyota Method for training is tried and true, and they have used it (Training Within Industry-TWI) for over 50 years". Through an interactive demonstration of this teaching method, you will learn how operators can be trained quickly to do a job safely, correctly and conscientiously and why the Job Instruction (JI) method has been the cornerstone for standardized work at Toyota since 1951. Hear why hundreds of companies in countries around the world are increasingly using TWI in Manufacturing, Healthcare, Construction and Service Industries to provide their people with the skills they need to continuously improve.
Rating: Intermediate
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Learning the Lean Fundamentals
In this workshop learn the fundamentals of Lean and experience through a hands-on simulation just what Lean can do for your processes, your business, and your life! You will understand value from the customers perspective and appreciate how reducing obstacles to create flow is key. The definition of Lean will come alive, and you will leave the workshop with the tools needed to identify waste and non-value-added activity in any process, which is the best place to start your Lean journey!
Rating: Beginner
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Creating a Green Value Stream to Compete and Win
Learn a step-by-step process to identify, measure, and move toward the elimination of the 7 key environmental wastes of Energy, Water, Materials, Garbage, Transportation, Emissions and Biodiversity and how Green wastes impact competitiveness, the bottom line, relationships with customers, and employee retention. Based on familiar Lean Thinking, learn how to apply a simple Green Value Stream Mapping tool to identify green waste and hear case examples from companies that are benefiting from a focus on environmental sustainability.
Rating: Intermediate
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Online personality assessment to identify key behavior traits
Learn how to get to know people better and faster. Better understanding personalities can help you motivate teams and deal with potential conflict. Employees that understand each other, work more effectively together. Through this interactive workshop you will have an opportunity to try out the Drake P3 assessment and learn how an online-based personality assessment that focuses on key behavior traits, can help predict workplace performance. Used by over 580,000 people globally, Drake 3 has been rated over 90% accurate by 96% of all users.
Rating: Beginner
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The Right Way to A3
In this hands-on workshop, you will learn a practical and effective A3 problem solving approach and methodology that will allow you to successfully work though challenging problems within your supply chain and workplace overall, and easily communicate status and results to the rest of your organization. This workshop uses a tried-and-true A3 methodology that includes practical examples, exercises, activities, and templates that you can take away and start using immediately. Learn the “right way to A3” and start developing a powerful and successful team centered problem-solving culture within your own organization.
Rating: Intermediate
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