Green Enterprise Movement
Creating a Green Value Stream to Compete and Win
Learn a step-by-step process to identify, measure, and move toward the elimination of the 7 key environmental wastes of Energy, Water, Materials, Garbage, Transportation, Emissions and Biodiversity and how Green wastes impact competitiveness, the bottom line, relationships with customers, and employee retention. Based on familiar Lean Thinking, learn how to apply a simple Green Value Stream Mapping tool to identify green waste and hear case examples from companies that are benefiting from a focus on environmental sustainability.
Brett Wills, President
Brett Wills brings 20 years of experience in Sustainable Business Management. As a former Plant Manager, Brett has first-hand experience driving organizational performance. Brett’s focus on integrating Sustainability into business strategies delivers tangible and quantifiable results that drive performance now and into the future. As President of Green Enterprise Movement, Brett now spends most of his time helping organizations across Canada drive organizational performance while simultaneously improving environmental and social performance. Brett is the author of “Green Intentions: Creating a Green Value Stream to Compete and Win” and “Purposely Profitable: Embedding Sustainability into the DNA of Food Processing and Other Businesses”.
Rating: Intermediate
Full/Half: Half Day Morning