Technology as a Lean Enabler
Join us for an insightful presentation on how technology is being used as an enabler to support innovation and deliver tangible value for customers. Hear how two public sector organizations have built on their strong Lean foundation to embrace innovation and leverage cutting-edge technology to take continuous improvement to the next level. With continuing pressure to ensure value for taxpayers' dollars, the City of Kawartha Lakes and the London District Catholic School Board have both invested in technology to support the standardization of business process mapping in a central repository, resulting in an increased focus on value to the customer and overall efficiency. Learn how they are meeting the growing expectations for enhanced services by easily quantifying process improvements while enhancing employee engagement
Rating: Intermediate
LDCSB: The London District Catholic School Board is the fastest growing Catholic school board in Ontario. Approximately 4,500 employees are working together to educate over 27,500 students in 45 elementary and 9 secondary schools within London and surrounding area. City of Kawartha Lakes: Featuring over 250 lakes and rivers, the City of Kawartha Lakes is a fast growing single-tier municipality located an hour and a half north of Toronto
Mike Norman
, Executive Manager, Strategic Initiatives, LDCSB
With over 30 years of leadership experience, Mike is a seasoned process improvement specialist who has made significant contributions across the automotive, healthcare, and municipal government sectors. In his current role, as the Executive Manager of Strategic Initiatives with the London District Catholic School Board Mike leverages his extensive knowledge to coach and mentor staff, leaders, and executives, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
Brenda Stonehouse, Manager, Strategy and Innovation, City of Kawartha Lakes
Brenda Stonehouse is a strategy and continuous improvement professional with experience in government, business and the non-profit sector. Brenda is a Lean Master Black Belt with over 10 years experience in continuous improvement and is currently the Manager of Strategy and Innovation for the City of Kawartha Lakes. She also teaches Lean and Strategic Planning at Fleming College as part of their Peak Leadership Program