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Progressive Group - Farming Smarter, Not Harder

Innovative tools for farm management


 Unlock the potential of technology in large-scale farming with Sunnybrook Swine’s cutting-edge methods. This session will jump into PigFlow and PigKnows, tools that not only enhance animal welfare but also boost operational efficiency. Additionally, we’ll showcase the Gestal Electronic Feeding System and Bin Scales, demonstrating how precise feeding and inventory management can lead to a leaner, more profitable manufacturing process.


Corey Bosko, Production Manager and Compliance Specialist, Progressive Group

Corey’s roots lie in the heart of Saskatchewan, where she was raised on a grain and commercial beef farm. Graduating from the University of Saskatchewan with a degree in Animal Science in 2002, she decided to journey to Manitoba the following year, showing an keen interest in the pork sector.

Since joining The Progressive Group in 2008, Corey has worn many hats, serving as a technician, supervisor, manager, production manager, compliance specialist, CPE trainer, and validator. She plays a vital role, offering extensive support in production, technical aspects, program implementation, and audit procedures.