Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters
Next level of enterprise excellence
For decades, Lean has been used by manufacturers to reduce operational complexity and improve productivity. It provides a foundation for operational excellence and boosts organizational performance through a focus on value-adding activities. But embracing Lean by itself is not sufficient to address the operational challenges of an increasingly digitally connected and globalized world. Industry 4.0 offers new approaches for dealing with products and complex supply chains. Advanced manufacturing promotes faster, more agile and more efficient processes through the use of automation technologies for consistent quality and productivity gains. Both Lean and Industry 4.0 promise to solve manufacturing challenges by uncovering the most effective way to reach the next level of operational excellence.
Erwin Matusoc, Lean-Advanced Manufacturing Champion
Erwin Matusoc began his career as a Professional Engineer in the Philippines. With more than 20 years’ experience in the manufacturing engineering field, Erwin has held positions in quality assurance, Total Quality Management (TQM), new product introduction, research and development, project management and continuous improvement. In particular, Erwin’s exposure to Japanese manufacturing management systems and Lean began very early in his career, allowing him to train in Japan on a number of occasions, learning Lean through hands-on training from his Japanese Sensei (teachers). Since joining CME as a Lean Facilitator in 2013, Erwin has supported and helped over hundred companies through Lean Consortia, Kaizen events, Lean assessments, training, coaching, mentoring and strategic planning and execution. He is a Certified Quality Improvement Associate through the American Society for Quality as well as a Certified Lean Master Blackbelt. Currently, Erwin is the Hoshin Kanri (Strategy Deployment) and Lean-Advanced Manufacturing (Lean-AM) Champion for CME Manitoba.
Rating: Advanced